Frequently asked questions

  • When will the Module be available?

    The Module will be available in autumn 2025.

  • How much will the Module cost?

    The Module will be for free.

Your contacts (until the Module is online)

Module 4 Manager Annette Baattrup-Pedersen

Annette is senior researcher at Aarhus University and consultant at NIRAS. She has comprehensive research expertise in freshwater ecology and substantial experience in implementing various restorative interventions, including nature-based solutions, to address societal challenges, including biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems.

Academy Management Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber

Astrid is a senior scientist at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. Her current field of work is freshwater biodiversity with a focus on data management, mobilisation and publication. Astrid leads and manages the development of the MERLIN Academy.